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4TuneMan - the story


The idea raised in 1997. Miro liked to listen to The The. And, as he was in BAD Monday, Matt Johnson was the only member of The The that was always in the band. And like him, Miro was the only creator of music for the band.


So, instead of using his real name, he started to use the "4TuneMan" name as a band name. Even though those are de facto solo albums, there are always other musicians involved. There is always a band. And as so, there is 4TuneMan. Liquid in terms of personnel, but solid in terms of music quality and performance.


This is nothing like Tojo was. The trio was changed with a line-up enlarged by at least a three-person brass section. And it was good move.


Already in BAD Monday there was a brass section, but it was used more as a background for the guitar. In 4TuneMan brass section is integral part of the arrangements, and without it the music will sound half empty and dull.

There are no planned gig dates now.

But, as always there is a  lot of music created and hopefully some live events will appear soon.

Stay tuned!

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